Friday, October 31, 2008

$25 richer

Happy Halloween!!

At my office today we had a costume contest.  Everyone came in costume and voted on the best costumes.  I won second place--$25!

I have to say, I am very proud of this costume, which I made myself out of felt, stuffing and styrofoam balls for the eyes.  I think it looks pretty convincing, even though it's only a head and a collar.

We had a lot of trick-or-treaters at the house today; it was the first time I had passed out candy to kids since I lived in my parents' house.  Of course, I did it wearing my Kermit head.  We had a lot of candy, but became concerned we were running out, so my sweetie went out and bought more.  Now we have lots of extra candy :-).  It was great to see all of the kids in their costumes, though, especially the kids on our block, whom we know.  They're so cute!  


The Beast Mom said...

I love it! I have to show the kids this pic. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey there!

This year for Halloween I wanted my husband and I to go as Kermit and Miss Piggy. All of the kermit masks I have seen are over the head and my hubby refuses to wear one like that. Is there any possibility you would consider selling me this? I just thought I would ask, just in case. I am not crafty enough at sewing to make my own unfortunately. You can email me at if you are interested. :)

Either way, thanks and great job!
